Thursday, June 16, 2005

Deadbeat mummies...

Motherhood is not natural to all women. I tend to prosecute about 95% absent fathers, but that 5% absent mothers are much much worse as a whole as far as visitation, paying and care for their children.

This is kind of sad and kind of funny, so I'll change the facts to bring out the amusing aspects.... But really, its more depressing than funny.

I am establishing child support from both parents for some children. Children are living with a relative because when Social Services responded to a complaint at the home they found the children tied to chairs in the back yard with their own urine soaked sheets. Apparently, mumsie got tired of washing the sheets and decided to help them understand her frustration by tying children to the chairs--- it was supposed to teach them to remember to go to the bathroom before bed.

So, I get to Court to calculate the Child Support. Mumsie and Daddy are each remarried...I have no problems out of Daddy. Mumsie, Mumsie is an angry woman. She is angry at the System for taking away her kids "cause they just don't like poor people having children" and this was "all (her relative's) fault for calling Social Services for no reason. We have to discipline the children."

Oh, and did I mention that even with relative placement, the kids were in daily counseling to the tune of over 1800 per month?

So the child support was calculated and it came up to somewhere around 350 bucks a month. Mumsie wasn't working but I imputed more than min wage to her because she had a degree in accounting.

Oh yes, college ed-u-cated.

Mumsie looked me dead in the eye and said, "I cannot possibly pay that because my new husband has decided to become a professional golfer and I have to do all the books for him and I can't get another job because we have to travel a lot and besides, we have to invest all the money we do make into his career. The State wanted them, they can have them. I ain't gonna pay."

I just sat there and looked at her for a while and finally said, "Ma'am, you're going to pay this money or we're going to put you in jail. If you won't agree, then we'll just let the Judge decide. What I wanted to say was, "Good God Woman, this is the 21st century and if you didn't want children, you shouldn't have had them."

So we go in front of the Judge and she actually repeated her assertion to him. He was understandability shocked at her attitude and blasted her for about 20 minutes with a lecture that would have made anyone else weep in shame. She just stood there with this irritated look on her face that said, "who the fuck are you to tell me what to do." She finally told him she was happy they were going to terminate her rights and could she leave now because they had important things to do.

It was one of those times you have to figh the urge to grab the person and shake some sense into them.

So, that's a picture of a "Deadbeat Mom." Not as funny as some of the men about whom I write.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Yves, will you please follow-up on the deadbeat mom as best you can? Great subject.