Wednesday, June 29, 2005

A boy, his dog and his father

This story was told to my Criminal law class first year in law school by the prosecutor involved....

A prosecutor was sitting around shooting the shit with his buddies one lazy Friday afternoon when the Sherriff's office called him to come over. When he arived at the sherriff's office, there was a young man in the witness room. He was kind of sniffling and the sherriffs didn't know what to do with him. He had a videotape he wanted them to watch and wouldn't say anything more. The prosecutor begins questioning him gently and this is the story he told: he was about to go to college. He was packing his bags and he wanted to gather up all his videos. He went into his parents room and looked through their videos to make sure he hadn't missed any.

He saw a video he didn't recognize but it had his dog's name on it, so he threw it in the video machine.

At this point the boy begins sobbing and refuses to say anything more. By this time everyone is real curious about what is on this tape and so they put it in the machine.

Have you guessed yet what they saw? Yeah, you got it!

His Mom is holding the camera. His dad has covered his willy with peanut butter... the dog, like most dogs, likes peanut butter.... and the sherriffs are trying not to laugh.... The boy was sobbing and terribly upset-- which is completely understandable.

Here's the educational part: 1. The dog was not forced or hurt in any way, Could they make a charge of Animal Cruelty stick? Is that animal abuse? I think they finally came up with some sort of charge...I really don't remember.... but worse than any charge is this poor boy and his dog. I wonder if I could ever speak to my parents again....

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