Monday, February 07, 2005

Public Service announcement...

Another attorney called to show me the pictures he is going to use in Court today.

Remember that whole "Hell hath no furry like a woman scorned?" I would change it to read: Hell hath no furry like the dumpee in a relationship.

Lets just put this in writing in case you didn't realize it: If you aren't paying your child support its a really really bad idea to allow pictures of you drinking in a bar to be put on said bar's web site. It demonstrates that you have money to be out.

Also, if you are over 12 sticking out your tongue in pictures is ALWAYS a bad idea. It is not a flattering look.

Finally, just in case there was a question in your mind: framing pictures for use on said web page so that it looks like the barmaid is on her knees in front of you performing abdulations to the family jewels is REALLY a bad idea especially when your baby momma is pissed at you and knows what bar you go to.

I can't wait to see this. Its gonna be better than the woman week before last who was asking for a third DNA test because God told her how the alleged father (AF) was beating the tests and that he was definitely her baby daddy. Judge asks her to explain: She says that AF's "partner" (yes, with all connotations from that word) distracted the phlebotomist and substituted the swab or has a friend down at the lab who switched swabs. Huh. I just want to know exactly what passage you have to read in the Bible for God to tell you who your baby daddy is.... Kind of makes me miss that jealous and vengeful God who doesn't want you to have SEX OUT OF WEDLOCK.
This demonstrates the same kind of mind that can be pro-life and pro-death penalty.

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