Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Maddog says its Maddog not mad dog, and Maddog surely knows his name. How did a perfectly respectful man come to have a name like Maddog?

I love this story.

He had a client with a very interesting (to lawyers) little case that sounds like something a contracts professor would write for a final exam. Client has a crop. Crop is distroyed. Lloyd's of London (the insurance co) doesn't want to pay. The whole thing ends up revolving around Insurance Company's claim the crop is a fungible good. (A fungible good is like corn. One fifty pound sack of corn is the same as another 50 pound sack of corn.) In this case, the good was Cotton. Cotton, unlike corn, is not a fungible good. Did you know that based on the numbers printed on your T-shirt they can tell down to which half of the the 40 acre field where your cotton was grown? They can. He prepares for trial. He cannot understand why he can't settle the case because he KNOWS he is right. Well, they loose at the Circuit Court level. They loose on appeal. He knows he is right. He has case law. He writes one of his few Sup. Ct briefs- and kept it brief at only 6 pages- because the issue is simple, at least to him. Cotton is not a fungible good. Finally, up to the Sup. Court it goes and THEY REVERSED AND RENDERED the Circuit Judge. Heheheheheeh. (only the lawyers will get the slap that that is!)

Client is soooo happy. Client's son owns a t-shirt printing business and prints up t-shirts with client holding back Maddog, with his little bald head and glasses drawn as a rotweiller, on a leash with the scales of justice between his teeth. Arrrggg.

I Love my Dad.

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