Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Names of the week....

The names of the week are:

Venscredous- No, really, that's her name.

Phedesta... again, yes, really, that's her name.

Finally, in a move that makes me understand why Europeans generally have laws that limit a parent's right to name their child when said name is toooo wierd, we have:


I couldn't make it up if I tried.

To wrap it up, a reflection. As a defense lawyer, I work hard to get my clients out on bail. Sometimes, however, I wish I hadn't succeeded. I got a client out I KNEW had a drug problem and now he's caught his 4th Felony...which means his kids will grow up without him. Which kind of makes me feel like, man, what if I hadn't gotten him out... then he'd be fine. Sitting in jail, but fine- because all I had him for were some piddley little misdemeanors. Now, he's held up a paper delivery person at gun point. 'cause, you know, that's a good way to make a living.


Heather said...

It never ceases to amaze me what clients do. I've only been working as duty counsel at bail court for a little more than a month and I already know "the regulars" and have had several occasions to say "so why are you back on my list today!? I stayed late to get you out a week ago."

Love the names.

Sara and Scott said...

I actually know a girl who could be added to your list... Phantasma.

Not sure why people do stuff like that to their children.