Thursday, May 19, 2005

Women in Combat

I don't usually get this vehement about things but here it is:

The whole debate about women in combat is a bunch of garbage. Granted, I KNOW every woman is not going to choose, nor be able to function, in a combat situation, but then again neither will every man. This has got to be an individual thing determined by the brass in whatever branch of military the women are serving.

If you fucking lawmakers don't leave this crap up to the individual branches and quit telling wonderful hard working women in combat they aren't allowed to do the jobs they have been given, earned and or been selected to do-- I will come over there and kick your ass. (Metaphorically of course, Um, I don't want the CIA tracking me down thinking I'm threatening any one here.) I will live in a damn trench, not shower and still kick your ass. I will carry 60 pounds ten miles, eat an MRE, shit in the sand without toilet paper and STILL KICK YOUR ASS. I do not care if I have my period-(warning this is graphic) I will rip out my tampon and throw it at you and still kick your ass. In fact, I will get the birthcontrol shot because it will make me not have my period and I will certainly kick your ass then. I don't care if you weigh 400 pounds and are 7 feet tall- I will fight dirty and kick your ass.

Why in God's green earth would you ban women from certain rolls out of hand? Sure, I wouldn't want them to have a necessary number of women-- it should be on merit and ability not a quota system.

I am good in emergency situations, I deal with blood well. There are a number of women out there like me. When the puppy had a bone lodged in his jaw, I got the pliers and ripped it out while my former spouse gagged in the corner. When I was showing the 19 year old boy how to skin and butcher a lamb and he broke the gut sack and began throwing up I just laughed and finished the job. When the boys missed every armadillo they shot at for an hour, I showed them how much fun it was when you hit the armadillo once, make it jump and then hit it again before it hits the ground.

No, pound for pound I am not as strong as a man. I admit that-- but that is completely irrelevant. The question is: Can I do the JOB?

Yes, I might make men think about sex, but I have news for you buddy-- even in a locked room, all alone (most) men still think about sex all the time. Besides, after a few weeks in combat, I guar-on-tee you ain't nobody gonna want to have sex with anybody else. Ask people who have hiked the AT -- funk is a pretty good anti-sex agent.

Puh. Arrrrggg. How fucking dare you tell me what I can and cannot do in the military without letting me have a chance to earn it!!!!!

I would like to point out that sure, that Shannon chick who went to the citadel didn't make it, but that's because she was an unhealthy non-mentally appropriate poster girl- not a real potential cadet. The second girl who went was from a military family and she was chosen squad leader and kicked everyone's ass throughout. Being the right person for the military is INDIVIDUAL. It takes a certain personality type to choose that way of life.

Ok, so that's my rant.

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