Friday, May 27, 2005

The big bag of Fuckits.

Tall Brad taught me this theory- the theory of the big bag of Fuckits. I immediately adopted it as my own.

See, everyone is born with a big bag of Fuck-its. Most worries and problems in life can be handled by reaching into your bag, pulling one out and throwing it at the situation. You can mimic the actual action of reaching in your bag and pulling it out if it helps. I do this-- I reach in and throw a fuck-it at the situation.

I use this when I'm stressing about something over which I have no control. I use it when plans change and get complicated and I'm irritated because I HAD A PLAN- and it relaxes me and helps me go with the flow. (Fuckit- the point is to hang with my friends)

I use it in Law when I'm negotiating something or trying to explain to my client why s/he shouldn't do what s/he wants to do. (Fuckit- we'll have a trial if you want even though from what you are telling me it is clear you are culpable.)

I use it when I'm over planning and its clearly time to get on with it- Fuckit, lets just try this and see if it works.

I hope this weekend you are able to reach into your personal bag of Fuckits and relieve yourself of some stress-- maybe you're on the road-- you have a schedule and everyone is screwing with that schedule by driving the speed limit in the fast lane and your significant other needs to pee for the fifth time in two hours, and you realize you forgot to bring your phone charger, and now this Jackass is trying to pass on the inside and break in front of you-- FUCKIT. You'll get there eventually.

Have a great Memorial Day! Remember those who gave their lives to protect your constitutional rights.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Exactly what I need today! You always have a way of recharging my mood. Thanks! HGM