Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Overheard in Court

Judge "Mr. Doe, your attorney has reached a deal with Prosecutor where he will only revoke 30 days of your 180 day sentence for going into the Wal- mart in (neighboring town)."

Mr. Doe "Uh, yes sir."

Judge "Now Mr. Doe, you understand you are banned from ALL Wal-marts for life. Not just here in _______. Even over there in ___________. No matter how low the prices are you are not allowed to go back there. "

(Court erupts into laughter. Defendant begins laughing.)

Judge "You're just gonna have to pay more somewhere else."

Even the prosecutor laughed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

may I suggest Wendell Berry's _Sex, Economy, Freedom & Community : Eight Essays_? A great book on why we're in the shitter...no matter how low their prices are.