Friday, November 04, 2005

How tree sap can get you 5-20

A while back a friend of mine had a really weird little case. Defendant is charged with possession of an imitation controlled substance with intent to distribute.

Here are the uncontroverted facts: Dude starts talking with police. He tells police he has fashioned some imitation crack from tree sap and flour. He is going to try to sell the tree sap to a crack addict for money. Heh. He thinks its funny.

Unfortunately, in Alabama they passed a law that possession of an imitation controlled substance is the same as possessing the substance.

Yeah, so they arrested the dude for selling (possession with intent to distribute- a felony.) She did get it down to possession of paraphanelia (a misdemeanor) but still... I thought it was pretty crappy of the cop. He should have just told the guy, hey man, you can't do that.


Eric said...

That makes me think of all those elementary school kids who snort smarties. That cop could have a field day with them.

Eric said...

That makes me think of all those elementary school kids who snort smarties. That cop could have a field day with them.