Friday, April 15, 2005

Philosophical meditation for Friday

To experience the highs in life, you must experience the lows. You must give yourself a talk when you're feeling low and remember, that as low as you feel, you'll feel that good someday. I'm trying to not beat myself up when I feel low, but rather to embrace it and do what I need to wallow a bit then get up and go about my life. If I want to take a morning or even a day every few weeks to wallow and watch movies and do nothing, I will not feel guilty. In today's society we are so driven and pushed to do more, better, faster, now.

I have resolved to set my own schedule. I do not want to feel so tired and hurried all the time. I have this internal calendar in my head that tells me I should have completed this or done that- and I have been working very hard to rewrite my internal script. I am going to try a list of chores each week so that my mind doesn't dwell on things I am supposed to be doing. A list of things I want to get done around the house will be completed slowly, and the weekly repetitive duties will no longer dominate my mind.

Rewrite your internal script, ride the wave of life and have a good weekend.

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