Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Is that right?

MadDog's secretary is a goddess. I have mentioned that haven't I?

I was reminded today of something very important she taught me, "Is that right?"

Do you remember that joke about the rich Southern girl and the poor Southern girl? The rich girl comes to visit the poor girl.

Rich girl says, "My Daddy sent me to the best college there is." The poor girl says, "Is that right? Rich girl says "My Daddy sent me to finishing school in Switzerland." Poor girl says, "Is that right?" Rich girl says, "My Daddy says I can catch any man around." Poor girl says, "Is that right?" Rich girl asks, "What did your Daddy teach you?" Poor girl says, "My Daddy taught me to say 'Is that right?' instead of Fuck you Bitch."

I used to think of this all the time when I had to deal with my former Father in Law. He liked to bait me and I would play a game to see how many times I could say, Is that right? without sounding sarcastic. Him: "Lawyers are all just drug addicts and alcoholics." Me: "Is that right?"

So, when we're having dinner with the couple visiting from Ireland and FIL's subject of conversation was "Rape as a means of subjugation of the Irish Peoples" (FIL was an Irish Catholic BTW) This is probably the most inappropriate dinner conversation topic one could possibly contrive. I finally, after 15 or 20 times, had to get up and go to the bathroom to escape from him and HE FOLLOWED ME.

Yes. He kept chasing me down the hall saying, "What's the matter? Don't like to hear the truth? Am I upsetting you?"

And he was. I wish I could have stuck to my "Is that right?" There is no reason to give validity to those who say things to get a rise out of people, but he was so freakin' irritating.

So, next time some passive aggressive asshole baits you or says something to which there really is no (socially appropriate) reply, just remember, "Is that right?"

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