I have started several posts on happiness but have not posted them because I just wasn't getting the right words out. I let the concept marinate for a few months.
Then, I had an epiphany. Thank you, Mind-of-mine.
MadDog often says that the difference between a winner and a looser is that to a winner loosing doesn't count.
I realy like that.
And as I was sitting meditating on happiness and where it comes from and how to share my ability to be happy with others- it occurred to me: The difference between happy people and sad people is that to happy people sad events don't count.
In other words, I could tell you these things about my life this year:
I'm divorced and ended a long term relationship this year that I once had a lot of hope for.
I had knee surgery and will never run again, much less bend down in my garden. The knee surgery was also on the day that my best friend gave birth and I had to miss it. I had to do PT for 8 weeks.
I had another lump in my breast and had to have surgery- again.
I had another bad mole and had to have it cut off, too.
MadDog had another mole removed and his was cancer.
My favorite dog has a tumor.
My family is having a fight and I won't get to see half of them at Christmas.
My younger cousin now officially makes a whole lot more than I do and she's an epidemologist and I'm a lawyer. Like over 1K per month more. With benefits. And vacation days. And a retirement plan.
But instead of all of these things, let me tell you about the great things that happened this year:
After I broke it off with former LTR, I ran into a friend from High School and am in the best relationship I have ever had.
I have strenthened my relationship with a lot of my friends.
None of my cancer scares truned out to be cancer.
The doc doesn't think my dog's tumor is cancer.
I used my knee surgery to get into the best shape of my life.
My younger cousin is an orphan and her career is a source of stability and joy for her and I am extatic for her success.
Through MadDog trying to help repair the family he and I have had several important and productive discussions.
I was selected to be a board member for a local mental health organization. I was also asked to teach at a local college.
My favorite secretary came back to me and is helping me make my practice a lot more efficient.
I am, on the whole, in a great place. Life is good.
I hope this little post is helpful and not too pedantic.
But, hey, its my blog and I can be Pollyanna if I wanna. : )