Monday, March 05, 2007

Same crap, new day....

I am getting bored with my blog. Just so you know. I am, however, working on a piece about Anna Nichole Smith and how my earlier predictions were remarkably correct and what I think will happen now.

Same old stuff- Roger Clements was in court last week. Cal Ripley, too. Oh, and my personal favorite Bobby Brown- since he was, actually, at the time, in jail somewhere else for failure to pay.

I had a guy arrested for giving a false name to a police officer- he told them his name was john doe. His name is really John Lee Doe. WTF?! I think I can win that one, unless there is something I don't know. So far my winning rate on this kind of cases is higher than any other type of criminal case. I think the cops must not understand the law here very well.

I was yelled at by MadDog for being late to Court today, so I had better go and beat him there this afternoon.

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