Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Title Work can be fun....

A lot of lawyers I know don't like title work. Title work is what we call examining an abstract for a real estate closing, along with fixing said title when there are problems. In fact, people hate it so much, a lot of banks aren't even requiring it any more but self insuring- which protects them but not you, the consumer. I like title work, because its exacting and the rules are clear.

Whenever you buy a piece of property you get what is called an Abstract. An abstract is the history of a piece of property- from its first being released by the U.S. through each and every person who has owned the property down to you, the buyer.

When you examine an abstract, you end up reading people's wills (I leave the south 40 to Jane and john.) People's divorces (The South 40 is awarded to Jane because Joe is a jerk.) and other glimpses into people's lives.

In my town, there is a whole subdivision of 80 acres where every abstract contains a copy of a divorce from the 1800s. In that divorce, right before the woman was awarded the 80 acres, is a wonderful, wonderful line:

"Like a dog returning to his vomit, so he returned to the fair and delectable Vinnah."


Have a great day : )

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